China Announces New Measures to Support Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation
China will take various measures to push Mass Entrepreneurship and innovation, according to a decision made at a State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li...
Saudi Arabia: Monsha'at Opens SMEs Support Center
The Monsha'at support center for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) provides a package of three programs (training, advisory and mentorship) in cooperation with the...
Germany:EXIST Fosters Science Transfer from Universities
Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) runs an extensive programme to promote startups, called EXIST.
Mexico: “Emprendecalogo” from ASEM to Promote the Startups
The Association of entrepreneurs of Mexico (ASEM) presented the "Emprendecalogo", 10 "commandments" which apparently are essential for facilitating the startups in the...
The Turkish Innovation Week Started in Istanbul
The Turkish Innovation Week, which has been organized by the Turkish Exporters' Assembly (TİM) since 2012 under the coordination of the Ministry of Trade, opened its...
EU: a New Fund to Support Clean Energy
Breakthrough Energy Ventures Europe (BEV-E), a new €100 million investment fund was established by the European Commission, the European Investment Bank and Breakthrough ...
Indonesian "1000 Startups" Initiative Being Renewed by the Government
The IT ministry of Indonesia and several ecosystem stakeholders in the country's digital sector has launched the “1001 Digital Startup Movement”.
Canada: $52.4 Million for Scale-up Program
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on 16, April that the federal government is investing $52.4 million in a Scale-Up Platform, which will see Communitech,...
ROK: Government Supports SME Exporters
In a bid to improve exports, the Korean government will help small-sized and medium-sized companies enter overseas markets.