Germany:Supports for the SMEs in undeveloped countries
On behalf of the German government, GIZ Egypt launched the Job Partnerships and SME Promotion (JP-SME) project in Egypt jointly with its valued partners this week.
Argentina: SMEs plan to invest more in digitalization
52% of SMEs in Argentina plan to invest more in their digital transformation, according to the Digital Adoption Survey carried out by Movistar Empresas during 2022.
UK:Finance flows into the innovative business
Small Business Finance Markets 2022/23 report by UK Business Bank highlights the role of finance in driving innovation across the UK’s small business population and in...
Canada: Survey to uncover the challenges for SMEs
From the beginning of January to early February 2023, Statistics Canada conducted the Canadian Survey on Business Conditions to better understand the current environment ...
US:DOD aimed to attract more small businesses
Over the past eight years, the US Defense Department has met its small business prime contracting goals, but more can be done, said the director of the Defense Department...
China:Progress in optimizing the business environment
China has made progress in stabilizing the development of market entities and optimizing its business environment.
France:More investment support for Startups from Government
French President Emmanuel Macron has vowed to boost investment in the nation’s startups to counter some of the slowdown in venture funding affecting other tech hubs.
ILO: Flexible working hours enhance the effectiveness
COVID-19 has accelerated changes in how we work and live. Many of those developments – such as fewer hours at our desks and more flexible working arrangements – not...
World Bank: Jobs Platform supports job creation in Southern Africa
World Bank Jobs Platform supports job creation and economic transformation in Southern Africa.