The French government announced an additional 500 million euros investment to boost start-ups created in the research sector. Several actions, such as the deployment of university centers of innovation and the creation of the French Tech Emergence Lab scholarship will build bridges between academic research and the socio-economic world to develop this type of start-up. As part of the general workframe France 2030, endowed with 5 billion euros deployed over 5 years, a national plan seeking the development of industrial competitiveness and future technologies, the French government intends to develop this new innovation dynamic.
The plan relies on three pillars:
the first is the implementation of 25 university centres of innovation (PUI in French) to share a common commitment workframe.
to the creation of these PUI is added the acceleration of the deeptech plan, with the use of an additional 65 million euros
and, last pillar, increasing the valuation of work resulting from research and targeted research programmes (PEPR in French). As part of this programme, 275 million euros will be granted to 17 projects chosen to “structure at national strategy scale the detection and follow-up capacity of research valuation”.
It is worth noting that in addition to these actions, the creation of fund specifically dedicated to deeptech and endowed with 100 million euros will help the government “support in equity capital these start-ups, once created to various steps of development”.